G5 best cellulite massager machine with 5 handles !!
This new improved therapy messager will stimulate circulation, lymph system and metabolism. The machine massage and suction breaks down the cellulite bonds, removes fluid and toxins&diminishes the dimpling effect. You will see maximum results with a series.
Body treatments:
--Cellulite treatments; --Lymphatic drainage;
--Slimming and Reducing; --Exfoliation treatments
--Relaxation treatments; --Reflexology
Massage treatments:
--Acupressure/pain relief
--Stiff neck --Low back pain
--Scalp --Circulation
--Sinus and nasal congestion --Headaches
Pillar-shape head: 1 pcs
Flower-sparkle shape: 1 Pcs
Round loose pad:1pcs
Hemisphere shape:1pcs
Column form shape:1pcs
Stock frame:1pcs
Packing Stadard:
Item NO. B-8315B
Voltage:100V-120V, 220V-240V.
Power:85 Watt
Measurement: 104*53*55cm
Gross Weight:61KG
Picture of machine :

Any question,please kindly contact with me !!!